Jun 20Liked by Eleanor Munk

This is a great essay and hits at one of the core issues in our society right now. Thank you for writing it.

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Hi Eleanor. Thanks for relating your thoughts.

To answer your question: I just keep writing about what I see. To a point, I think each one of us has a limited number of stories to tell, and our task is to keep telling the same story in different ways until it finally registers.

I've written about my "moment of realization," if it could be called that. It had to do with Biden repeating the beheaded babies claim.


According to a very informative article, "Goebbels' Principles of Propaganda" by Leonard Doob, Joseph Goebbels defined 'black propaganda' as "material whose source is concealed from the audience." Biden's decision to use "black propaganda" via a "white propaganda" source (i.e., mainstream media) was his major stumbling point, and I'm surprised that more people haven't noticed how absolutely Biden revealed himself by using his own mouth to further something so unsubstantiated.

(Doob's article can be found here: https://sci-hub.usualwant.com/10.1086/266211)

I hope more people will be able to see around the barriers that have been erected before us, but I am thinking that, in order to do that, something else will have to be offered in its stead. Forgive the tired metaphor but, without something to replace what the propaganda has provided them, the person affected by it will continue to choose the blue pill, every time.

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Thanks for this incredibly important piece of writing, Eleanor.

I think many of us find ourselves in a similar place.

As well, people down the pro-Israeli rabbit hole think that we anti-genocide types are down a rabbit hole, and can be quite aggressive about it.

Something that I and many others find comforting is BRICS, who want to create a multi-polar system that respects the UN, wants to create mutually beneficial relationships between countries and supports the idea of non-interference.

I've learned a lot about BRICS at Karl Sanchez's site: https://karlof1.substack.com/

To me it seems that there are a lot of similarities between the forces supporting Israel and the forces supporting -- well, funding and arming, at least -- Ukraine.

Palestine and Russia both want peace. Israel and Ukraine don't, nor do their supporters.

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